I have to admit that these past few days I have been pretty bad with posting on my blog, but good news is today is the day I post the next 5 great treasuries. So stay tuned for that posting.
For now here is an interesting little story. Au Yeung Pin Chi a paper crafter who creates paper effigies in the shape of Gucci purses, Wayfarers and designer sneakers! These paper products are targeted to people who have died young, are fashion forward and brand obsessed.
Why create paper Gucci Purses?, Well incinerating paper symbols is part of the Chinese custom, to honor the dead and to deliver them to the deceased.
Making paper effigies of trend items makes death seem less frightening.
—Au Yeung Ping Chi, paper effigy designer
Note: His first effigy was a dance machine
How interesting is it that we now create designer good for the dead? I have to admit I would want one of Au Yeungs paper effigies, as I cannot afford the real thing.

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